Fresh Water Generator Principle, Working, Line Diagram, Parts and Functions

As we all are aware of the fact that freshwater having a lot of uses on board .it is used on board for drinking, cooking ,washing , showering, tank cleaning,cooling medium for engine and  boilers,etc .And because of all these reasons there is no wonder why freshwater consumption is very high on board ship. Generally 100 litres are considered  as per day consumption of a man on ship.

** The equipment used to generate freshwater on board ship is called fresh water generator also known as evaporator.**


Principle of fresh water generator:

In ships generally two principles are used to generate freshwater ; either Distillation or Reverse Osmosis. Reverse osmosis is normally used in  every passenger ships and  where ever large quantities of water is consumed .
well ,now we can eaisly understood about reverse osmosis system is used where the huge amout of consumption of freshwater is required.because of cost wise and as well the installation,and repairing of system is much more difficulties,..,

Here, I am trying to explain about the working principle of  fresh water generator that works under the principle of distillation which is very common in cargo ships.

Before we move on to know the FWG we have to know what is distillation,

Distillation  :

     Distillation is the process of separating freshwater from sea water by boiling sea water in evaporator and the evaporated vapor gets condensated in the condenser. So this is the type of evaporation method.

Distillation method:

In ship, boiling of sea water is done by the use of jacket water which is obtained from the main engine of the ship.and  as well  jacket water will increase the overall efficiency of FWG.. But as we know that ,the jacket water ,which has  80 degree C,which is portable for   boil the sea water at atmospheric pressure;
So, for this big difficulty, we are giong to change the nature of the pressure rate,in order to boil sea water at 80 degrees we need to reduce the atmospheric pressure, which is done by creating a vacuum inside the chamber where the evaporation is taking place.

Types Of Fresh Water Generators:

   As we have discussed above fresh water generators are classified based on working principles ie, reverse osmosis type and Distillate type.

Under the  Distillation type FWG  is again classified  into two types, that is based on the evaporator and condenser structure